Menstruation Kit Production Officially Launched!

The kit production element of our Uman Talk program was officially launched on June 30, 2017! Juliet and our two tailors completed their first 100 kits, which were on display at the June 30th opening ceremony. The turnout at the ceremony was incredible, with male and female leaders in attendance to show their support for this important program. Many women shared their own stories of growing up without any menstrual hygiene tools or knowledge, and commented on how much this will change the lives and opportunities of girls in Sierra Leone.

Juliet and her wonderful team have already been inundated with requests for kits, and they are hard at work to increase production and keep up with the demand. We have been making connections with other organizations in Sierra Leone who are excited to purchase kits to distribute to girls in the communities in which they work. The groundwork is set for girls in Sierra Leone to get their days back and be empowered to stay in school and pursue their dreams!

Click the donate button below and designate “uman talk” to support women and girls in Sierra Leone.


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