April 2019 Program Updates

Librarian Training

Earlier this month, Sierra Leone Book Trust traveled to two libraries in the Schools for Salone network to provide additional knowledge and resources about library management. Mamboma Library and Jaiama Bongor Library participated in the hands-on training. Twenty primary and secondary school teachers learned about school library management and how to promote reading among students. Sierra Leone Book Trust also helped teachers and students reorganize the school library in both locations. Both communities are inspired and excited about the training and the future of their libraries. Community elders, chiefs, ministers, councilors, teachers and pupils were present for and participated in the training. Thank you to all who made this training possible! To support libraries and literacy, please donate below.

Njomborhun Construction

Construction on Njomborhun Junior Secondary School is progressing rapidly! The walls are up and the team is getting ready to begin putting the roof on the building. This school will be a lifesaving addition to Njomborhun and the surrounding communities. Girls who finish primary school will now be able to safely continue their education in junior secondary school without needing to risk traveling to a school miles and miles away.

Thank you to the Mona Foundation for making this school possible. To help make education accessible to more students, please donate below!

Reproductive Health Education

Our wonderful team in Sierra Leone traveled to the schools in the SfS network to conduct reproductive health education. Girls and boys learned about puberty, reproductive health, and personal hygiene. This education is crucial for a strong, healthy community. Girls who had started their periods also received reusable, sustainable menstruation kits that allow them to go to school every day, no matter what time of the month. These menstruation kits and the education that goes along with them gives girls confidence and drastically improves their chances of being able to stay in school. To help make these resources available to more children, donate below!

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