July 2020 Program Updates

We are so grateful to our partners for their ongoing dedication and hardwork to complete a record six new schools so far this year. This month, they completed construction at Kadanso and Koromasilaia in the far north, and at Laoma in the south. These schools are ready and waiting for students whenever school resumes. Students in the last grade of primary, junior secondary, and senior secondary school are required to take an exam in order to graduate. Students in these grades in these and our other schools started classes this month to study for their exams. The students are studying spaced apart in the classrooms and are wearing facemasks, according to the Ministry of Education guidelines. For now, because of COVID-19, school is still closed for students in other grades. The Ministry of Education is broadcasting lessons over the radio for students to listen to until schools can open up again.

As of July 30, just over 1,800 people in Sierra Leone have been confirmed to have COVID-19. Our partners continue to provide COVID-19 relief to our school communities, including facemasks, handwashing buckets, soap, and food. As of this month, we have used all the almost $32,000 generously donated for GiveBIG for COVID-19 relief. Thank you to all who have made it possible to equip our partners to support and protect students and their families.

The next few months will be challenging in Sierra Leone as hungry season progresses in the midst of COVID-19. The pandemic is making this hungry season more severe. Our partner communities in Sierra Leone need our support through this challenging time. If you have the means and desire to join with us to help, please donate below. Thank you!

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