Reproductive Health Education
Our wonderful partners recently completed a trip to all our schools across Sierra Leone to teach reproductive health education to the students and to distribute menstruation kits to the girls who had started their periods since the team’s last visit. A total of 492 girls learned about reproductive health and 120 girls received menstruation kits. These kits will allow them to go to school without shame or embarrassment every day, even while menstruating.
Teacher Training
The Learning Foundation’s training worked with 21 teachers from seven schools. The teachers teach kindergarten/class 1, class 2, and class 3 in Schools for Salone/Programme For Children schools in the South. TLF focuses on teaching Child Centered Teaching Techniques to reach all types of learners, including read/write, auditory, visual, and kinetic or active learners. TLF trainings teach teachers how to supplement their mandatory lesson plans with activities like songs, games, activities, and group work. After the two day training, TLF visited all the schools to watch the teachers implement what they had learned at the training. TLF also worked with the Head Teachers to make learning and teaching materials available to teachers and students, encourage library use, and promote general positive feedback and encouragement to all teachers and students.