Menstrual Health for More Women and Girls
Empowering Girls in School
The Uman Talk program has now distributed Sierra Leone-made, reusable, sustainable, dignified Days for Girls menstruation kits to over 1,000 girls in Sierra Leone! So far this year, we have given kits to 50 school girls who started their periods since the end of 2017. Because of the Uman Talk program over 800 students in Sierra Leone are educated about puberty, reproductive health, and menstrual hygiene. This knowledge is life-changing, especially for the girls who now have the resources and knowledge they need to go to school every day and achieve their dreams, no matter what time of the month.
Making Kits Available to Community Women
In May, generous donors banded together to make it possible to subsidize menstruation kits for over 5,000 women in our school communities. Thanks to their determination and generosity, women across Sierra Leone are gaining access to these kits. Our team has delivered 100 kits to Education for All school for women in the Allen Town community, 100 kits to the Bo office for community women in the South, and 100 kits to Makeni for community women in the North. We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback, and women are eager for the more consistent availability. The regional stock will allow women to save and purchase kits at their convenience. how many women received reproductive health education. So far over 100 women have purchased kits and 700 women have received reproductive health education.
New Collaborations
During Schools for Salone’s recent visit to Sierra Leone, we met with many different organizations about menstruation kit sales and other forms of partnership to make our DfG menstruation kits and reproductive health education available to more women and girls across Sierra Leone. We met with World Food Program, Well Woman Clinic, BRAC SL, Street Child, and Compassion for Peace. We are very optimistic about the collaboration for girls’ health and education that has followed from these initial meetings.
Since those meetings, Juliet has appeared on radio programs with Well Woman Clinic to talk with women about menstrual health and to promote the availability of our Days for Girls menstruation kits. The response has been very positive, and Juliet is working with Well Woman to establish a kit sales center at the Well Woman Clinic.
Another large organization called One Girl has recently purchased 400 kits to distribute to the women and girls with whom the work. The kits will be part of a larger women’s economic empowerment and reproductive health program. Next week, Juliet will be assisting with their training workshop for the women who will be selling and educating about the kits! We are very excited about this new collaboration and are eager to see it develop and grow.
Other organizations have purchased over 200 kits, and we have been receiving orders from organizations who are coming back for more! Word of the impact of these kits is spreading, and we are so excited that so many more women are being reached through partnership and collaboration.
Kit Production and Sales
SfS and PFC have been discussing, strategizing, and refining the menstruation kit production and sales program, and outlining next steps to continue to expand and strengthen the program moving forward. Our kit production is now well-positioned to meet the demand for kits in our school communities and the additional demand that we are generating through our outreach activities and collaborations with other organizations.