Who was your favorite teacher? Well-equipped and well-supported teachers can change children’s lives.
Meet Ndye, a teacher and teacher trainer in Sierra Leone, and one of our incredible partners working on building education quality. Ndye has discovered that one of the most effective ways to build children’s futures is through their teachers. When Ndye started working on literacy in Sierra Leone, she knew that if she could put the effort into training teachers, she could change the course for better learning outcomes for children. In small cement-block schoolhouses Ndye shares strategies and resources for teaching literacy with teachers who are enthusiastic about teaching but lack resources they need. Ndye says her favorite thing about training SfS teachers is “the passion the teachers have to do better and be better. Despite the huge challenges they face they are always willing to learn and try new ways to help children.”
Ndye and Schools for Salone’s shared goal is that every teacher in Sierra Leone will be equipped to experience the joy of helping children learn to read.
Literacy is the window to a future of possibility in Sierra Leone- for both students and teachers. Please donate today to help Ndye bring this new future to students and teachers across Sierra Leone. Your gift will change lives for years to come!