February 2020 Program Updates

New School for Laoma

Laoma is a village in southern Sierra Leone where junior secondary students have to travel 5 miles to the nearest school, including navigating a very dangerous river crossing. Because of the dangers of getting to and from school, children’s eduction is threatened.

A new school will unlock a future of opportunity for students in this community for generations to come. When children are educated, the whole community is lifted up. Laoma is so excited for the new junior secondary school in their village. We are so grateful for Will White and Satchi Royers, who are completely funding this new school so students in Laoma can safely attend school. Thank you for your generosity Will and Satchi!

Koramansilaya Under Construction

Work has been progressing rapidly at the school in Koramansilaya! We have been receiving regular updates from our team as the school is being built. The foundation is laid and the walls are starting to go up. The community at Koramansilaya is so excited for the school for their children, and they have been working hard as a community to help make the school a reality.

Thanks to The Henlopen Foundation, Dana and Rich Wekerle, and their family and friends for making the school in Koramansilaya possible!

Making 5 Schools Possible

We are excited to announce a $90,000 gift from The McPherson Family Foundation. We are leveraging this gift to help fund and build 5 school buildings, benefitting over $1,200 students.

Our partners in Sierra Leone will be starting to built all 5 of these schools in the coming months. That means these schools will all be complete and full of students by the end of this year!

Thank you so much to The McPherson Family Foundation for their generosity and for making these schools possible!

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