April 2020 Program Updates

COVID-19 Response

The COVID-19 pandemic brings back painful memories and fears from the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone from 2014–2016. Our partners have been implementing some of the same strategies they used during that outbreak and which gave PFC extensive experience working on the frontlines during an epidemic. PFC’s tireless efforts to distribute sanitation supplies and provide education during the Ebola outbreak helped all of our school communities stay Ebola- free. PFC has been diligently distributing hand-washing buckets and soap to our school communities to help students and their families stay healthy. PFC is also offering community education on hand-washing and other methods to stay healthy and limit the spread of the virus. Clinton and Hamidu are doing the same with our school communities in the far northern part of the country. Our partners are also distributing radios for children to listen to school lessons and rice to feed the communities, since COVID-19 has contributed to an early start to hungry season.

Uman Tok, which normally produces handmade reusable menstruation kits, has been extremely busy sewing cloth facemasks for our partners, school communities, and frontline workers. Juliet, the director of Uman Tok, and her 7 tailor team are working hard to supply people in Sierra Leone with personal protective equipment using the sewing machines and materials they have on hand from sewing menstruation kits. So far, they have produced and distributed over 3,000 facemasks.

6 Schools Under Construction

Even through the COVID-19 pandemic, our partners in Sierra Leone are busy constructing schools in six communities.

In the South, Programme for Children is constructing new schools in Laoma and Largor, remote communities who are so excited about their new schools.

Largor is a community in southern Sierra Leone. They have heard about the work of Programme for Children and Schools for Salone and have requested a school in their village. The community has been very persistent and motivated in advocating for a school for their students. Construction is progressing rapidly on Largor’s new primary school and the walls are already up!

Laoma is another community in southern Sierra Leone. In order to continue their education past primary school, students in Laoma had to walk miles to the nearest junior secondary school, including a dangerous river crossing. Once the new junior secondary school in Laoma is complete, these students will now be able to continue their education from the safety of their community.

Niagorehun is a school that SfS funded in 2009. The school has since outgrown the original structure as the number of children wanting to go to school has grown over the past 11 years. This month, Programme for Children began construction on an additional 2-classroom structure, with another set of latrines with a rainwater collection handwashing station to accommodate the increased number of students who will be attending the school.

Muloma Vocational and Technical Center is a vocational school in southern Sierra Leone that focuses on teaching trade skills to women. The new classroom structure will support these classes as well as be a potential future site for the Ministry of Education’s teacher distance certification program. Construction on the classroom structure and the well began this month.

Koromasilaia is a remote community in northern Sierra Leone. Our partners Clinton, Hamidu, and SKA Ventures have been diligently working on this junior secondary school throughout this month. They are now beginning to put on the roof! This junior secondary school will be the only one serving an area of 13 surrounding communities and primary schools.

Kadanso is another community in northern Sierra Leone. Our same partners in the north are also working on this school. Kadanso currently holds primary school in a makeshift shelter of sticks and tarps, ever since storms destroyed their school structure last June. This new primary school will help the children of Kadanso and the three surrounding communities have access to education and a safe, permanent place to attend school.

Thanks to all who have made these schools possible!

Read From Home

Our partners at The Learning Foundation are using free online library books that people can use on data enabled phones to encourage students to read at home. TLF is posting pre and post reading questions and activities to go along with these books to keep children engaged at home.

Here is one example of activities to go along with “The Mosquito Army”:
Today we are #reading “The Mosquito Army“ with @worldreader. Download be.booksmart.org application or search on your data enabled phone browser.

Did you know that because of #covid19 #coronavirus people are scared to go to the #clinic and #hospital for treatment for #malaria?

#rainyseason has arrived! And #mosquitos like standing water in gutters and mud holes bad bad wan; it’s where they lay their eggs.

Malaria, an #epademic, killing hundreds of thousands of people every year.
It is always important to get #tested when you feel sick and get #treatment from a #doctor.

Pre (Before) Reading Questions:

1. Are you scared of being sick and going to the clinic? Why?
2. What do you think the differences are between a fresh cold and malaria?
3. What is the ONLY way to know 100% what sickness you have and get the correct treatment?

Post (After) Reading Questions:

1. Name the signs and symptoms of malaria.
2. True or False: Female mosquitos bite you to get nutrition for their babies before they lay eggs. Male mosquitos do not bite.
3. What strategies can you use to prevent being bitten by mosquitos?
4. What should you do as soon as you think you are sick?

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