SFS Admin

Teachers Training Teachers

In early December, The Learning Foundation held another training in the early literacy workshop series we are implementing with our teachers in the South. For

Schools for Salone Favicon

Nyedu Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony for the Junior Secondary School project in Nyedu occurred on December 8. The ceremony had a wonderful turnout attended by students, parents, town

Nyedu School is Almost Complete!

The school at Nyedu is almost complete, the wonderful construction team is just putting on the finishing touches. Terry and Carolyn Gannon who spearheaded the

Menstrual Health Education

Our team recently held our Sexual Reproductive Health Education in our schools in the Western Area and the South. Our team taught lessons on puberty

A New Season of Literacy

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our partners at The Learning Foundation, our Fall literacy teacher training program is well underway! In September,

Gbama School is Complete!

In mid-October, our incredible construction team completed the primary school in Gbama. The school in this small village literally blew away, leaving behind only a

Joining hands for Menstrual Health

Juliet has been working so hard to make sure girls in Sierra Leone have access to the menstruation management tools and education they need to

Uman Talk is Expanding

Menstrual Health for More Women and Girls Empowering Girls in SchoolThe Uman Talk program has now distributed Sierra Leone-made, reusable, sustainable, dignified Days for Girls

Gbama School Construction Progress

The Walls are up at Gbama School The school at Gbama is going up quickly! The walls are up, the roof is on, and the

2018 Sierra Leone Visit

In late June to mid-July, Cindy, Natalie, and SfS Board Secretery Jennifer Kempf visited Sierra Leone. Overall the team had a very successful and productive