SFS Admin

Sulehun school almost complete!

During Schools for Salone’s annual visit to Sierra Leone in early July, we had the incredible pleasure of visiting the village of Sulehun, where we

Sulehun Construction has Begun!

Sulehun construction has begun! The village of Sulehun has been patiently waiting for a school for 3 years, and now it is becoming a reality!

Easter 2017 Teacher Training

Over Easter Break, our in-country partner, The Learning Foundation, conducted a literacy training workshop for our teachers in the North. This workshop is part of

Books for Mamboma Library

In May, our team delivered a truckload of books to our library in Mamboma. The surrounding communities are so thrilled to have the library shelves

March Library Training

In March, some of our teachers had the opportunity to participate in a 2-day training sponsored by Schools for Salone, The Learning Foundation Sierra Leone,

Mamboma Library officially open!

This library was just a dream when Cindy was in Mamboma in October. Many thanks to a long time friend of Schools for Salone who

Quality Education Through Partnerships!

We are excited to be partnering with The Learning Foundation, PEN-SL and The Sierra Leone Book Trust to improve quality education in our schools! In

Keeping Girls in School!

We are excited to announce that Schools for Salone’s Uman Talk Program is being awarded a $60,000 grant from the US Embassy Sierra Leone!!! This