Mother’s Day weekend concluded our campaign to raise $30,000 to expand our menstruation kit and reproductive health program to the women in our school communities. We are thrilled to report that you did it! Your generosity unlocked an additional $10,000 grant, bringing the total funding for this project to $40,000. With this funding, you are bringing affordable menstruation supplies and reproductive health education to 5,200 women across rural Sierra Leone.
These women will pay only $1.33 for a reusable menstruation kit including two shields, eight liners, one plastic bag for washing the kit, and one cloth bag for carrying the kit. These kits will last at least three years.
This community-based approach will ensure that school girls can keep their menstruation kits, will limit sharing kit components, and will empower women to expand their ability to engage in economic and other activities, no matter what time of the month. Additionally, this program will provide employment to women in Sierra Leone who sew the kits and manage the distribution and reproductive health education.
The ultimate impact of this project will be to pave the way for women and girls to receive the education and economic opportunities they deserve, so communities can build a strong and prosperous Sierra Leone.
Juliet and her team have just returned from their first trip to distribute these supplies and education to girls AND women. A total of 784 women were reached with reproductive health education, including the importance of menstrual health and how to use the kits. So far, 77 women in 13 school communities have purchased kits and more are planning to purchase kits in future visits.
THANK YOU and stay tuned for more updates!
To make these kits available to even more women, please donate below and specify “Uman Talk”