SFS Admin

October 2019 Program Updates

Teacher Training Workshop On October 18-21, The Learning Foundation traveled to our schools in northern Sierra Leone to hold a weekend-long teacher training workshop. The

September 2019 Program Updates

Kits for Flood Survivors Programme for Children has been raising awareness and making important connections to help make menstruation kits available to women and girls

Back To School Program Updates

New Classrooms for Masanga Thanks to generous GiveBIG donors, Masanga’s new set of classrooms is almost to go for the new school year. The structure

July 2019 Program Updates

Kambawama Construction Kambawama, a rural junior secondary school funded by the students of the University of Washington Social Justice Through Philanthropy class, is well underway.

June 2019 Program Updates

New School for Kambawama Kambawama is a rural village in the southern part of Sierra Leone. Last year, the village experienced a devastating fire that

April 2019 Program Updates

Librarian Training Earlier this month, Sierra Leone Book Trust traveled to two libraries in the Schools for Salone network to provide additional knowledge and resources

March 2019 Program Updates

Mona Foundation Funds New Njomborhun School Construction has begun for our 26th school, a junior secondary school in Njomborhun, a village in Jaiama Chiefdom in

Mile 38 Junior Secondary School

Mile 38 is a semi-urban community in Sierra Leone. In order to meet the needs of the children in this community, the Baptist Convention of Sierra Leone, under

February Reproductive Health Education

In early February, Juliet visited our schools in the Western Area for reproductive health education lessons. This time, she included junior secondary school students in

Gbaama Opening Ceremony

In January the primary school in Gbaama officially opened. Bob and Julie Granger, former Peace Corps Volunteers in the village, flew from Portland to Sierra