On one of our follow-up visits, one student shared that she always carries her menstruation kit along whenever she has symptoms of starting her period. This student gave a story of a youth camp she attended. There was a girl there who started her period for the first time and was dull in the camp while others were active and happy. Our student went closer to her trying to motivate her to be happy. While they were talking the girl cried and revealed she was bleeding. Our student encouraged her to stop crying and told her that it is not anything bad but that the bleeding is her period and explained to her about menstruation and its importance, then gave her a shield and two liners from her own menstruation kit. This student and girls like her now have a future where they can go to school every day of the month, without fear or embarrassment.
From the many stories we have collected from our students, there is a clear indication that the kits and lessons are taking root, and information on reproductive health is spreading out. Our students have told us that since receiving their kits, they have not missed a single day of school due to their periods.
Going without basic sanitation threatens girls’ education, health, safety, family, future, and dignity, but as we continue with our Uman Talk Sexual Reproductive Health Education Program, girls will know who they are, how vital their safety is to their families’ future, to their communities, and to their nation and world. They will go to school, stay productive, and stay healthy.